Month: July 2014

Generic is the wrong answer

Dear reader, cast your mind back to the time when you first wanted to put some information on a website.

You had to trust the crusty programmer types, and if you wanted changes they wouldn’t necessarily be able to do them at any great speed. This was fine in the stone age, around the year 2000 or probably earlier. Then, one day, the technology started to catch up with the aspirations and everything had to be done at internet speed. So crusty developed less crusty tools that let things happen quite a bit quicker.

We suddenly had content that people created for themselves. Never to be outdone the constant search for simple generic solutions to be everything meant that the companies that made the very expensive PC based tools for document management had a go at creating something. Some of their original big corporate customers kept on with them. These systems don’t work for the internet, except when you are creating some kind of library, which is the metaphor they started with.

The more considered approach was to treat managing content like it was a solved problem. The content management system (CMS) was born (or at least became more mainstream) and allowed you to manage your catalogue in one place so you could, you know, sell your stuff to people that wanted it.

Then we fell victim to the illusion of best practice. Problems are in a space where they seem to be the same, so we (software engineers, academics and other people who should know better) develop generic solutions. I mean, content is just abstract stuff that we let those tricky user types create so they can pay us. We can just pull something open source or off the shelf and say off you go to them and get back to important stuff like arguing over which 20 year old text editor is best.

But here’s the thing. The pattern user -> catalogue -> put catalog on the interwebs in front of customers is the same, but the user / business / enterprise is most definitely not. Most (not all) open source CMS were created for a small community to share info – they do that really well. However, a commercial company that sells white goods does not have even remotely the same needs as one that sells online holidays where the stock is a multi lingual database of hotels they have a relationship with. They need content management, the thing, but not in the same way, and the OSS solution is probably completely wrong. Also – you don’t want your site to look exactly like your competitors or you are competing on price, which is suicide.

Human beings are subject to pareidolia. Seeing patterns that aren’t there in the data. This is also related to clustering, confirmation and congruence biases. When it meant running away from the wind in the grass because you thought it was a lion that was ok. Now we look for levers to fix and change things that often don’t exist. Eric Reiss calls this robots in the Lean Startup. He cites the case when the US manufacturers couldn’t work out how the Japanese were getting such massive productivity gains so they went to see and saw robots. After a robot installing frenzy the US was still far behind. The Japanese spent a lot of energy understanding how they did things first and put the automation in where it made sense, gradually, and always testing the results, for their specific needs. Good practice, but hard to emulate without a complete culture change. Pareidolia (and the other biases) put robots inside processes that were still broken. In knowledge work this is even easier because adopting the latest fad is only the cost of a couple of books and some (more) training, until your organisation fails catastrophically. Danger, Will Robinson.

Best practice only works in very simple environments where all of the problems are completely understood. Buying a CMS from someone assumes that they understand your needs properly. They probably don’t. It’s dangerous.

Good practice means the using the skills of analysing the problem properly and divining the principles you should follow. A company should control its own content; after all that’s what it’s selling. This means layout, search, everything. However you might use a markup language and a standard group of elements for layout to make it easy for non-web heads to create that content. Find levers for the easy stuff, for the things that do have generic solutions that work.

Startups don’t want to spend money on stuff like a CMS that is tailored to their needs and will tend to go for the OSS solution. I think that they need to start small and find out what those needs are, just like everything in the lean approach. So don’t buy one, and don’t slavishly pull in an OSS one that will bite you and turn out to be an expensive mistake. Create something as simple as possible that meets your needs, then you will know what the needs are and where the pain is. Then you can use good practice to get to where you want to be. Then you can find the metaphor that works for you, and let your competitors try and shoe horn someone else’s into places they don’t work.

Best practice implies generic – generic means cheapest and also (face it) BORING.

Good practice is searching for the right metaphors and being patient enough to wait for them to appear. And, of course, those metaphors are the ones that work for you, might not be right for someone else.

Why I hate todo list apps

I recently had a twitter discussion about why I don’t like using Basecamp.

It’s a bit weird, I love Rails and it originated from the need to create a stable framework to create Basecamp. DHH and his colleagues were generous enough to share it with the rest of us and I’ve been using it for years to great effect. I admire DHH and the guys at the company and have read their books. But I hate their product. Using it makes me feel depressed.

I can’t see the flexibility others see anywhere. They are a poster child for great design and easy UI and it’s pretty dull and obvious, maybe that’s what the fuss is about. I’ve used it off and on for years and it doesn’t seem to have substantively changed in all that time, yet there are allegedly changes and improvements happening to it constantly. It’s also boring, even more boring than the bazillion sites you see built on top of Twitter Bootstrap – because they usually have some metaphor the coders are exploring and bootstrap’s a quick way to make it presentable while they experiment.

But the main thing is I can’t stand todo list apps.

This comes out of the way I work and think. I will write todo lists on paper and cross them off, but for anything bigger than just me (and up to 5 items) I need to visualise it and look at the flow and commitment of work. You can’t do this with static text-based lists without doing a lot of counting in your head. As far as I can work out you can’t create a different visualisation (in Basecamp) where you have a private list taken from other lists of things you care about today in the order that matters to you without creating another list that isn’t linked to the original tasks so you’d have to close everything twice. It hasn’t changed in years.

In the physical world you can do this with sticky notes or file cards and a bit of blu tac to put each piece of work into something that can be visualised and moved about. It doesn’t have to be complex, but nicking ideas from scrum and kanban around allocating points for pieces of work and limiting your work in progress (WIP) you can come up with something that lets you look at your pipeline and your commitments so you can start to have grown up conversations with other people about priorities and schedules. Limiting your WIP also gives you a far better chance of actually getting something worthwhile done. This is a big win over boring lists, but harder to understand at first.

Todo lists are, I think, a great tool for linear thinking and controlling.*

The metaphor lists give you is the linear instruction manual, codes, all you can do is change their priority and create more items. They also suffer from being unbounded, so you can just keep adding to them and never finish. There’s a very interesting time management book by Mark Forster called Do it Tomorrow. In it I found the idea of a closed list. This is a list you don’t add to and work on until it’s done – he’s discovered this makes you more productive and also you start tackling the tasks you really don’t want to do because you can’t close the list off until you’ve done them. This is a great antidote to procrastination. It’s also limiting your WIP. In fact it’s a different take on the same idea as a personal productivity booster.

So, in essence, for me the list metaphor stifles your ability to think and visualise without a lot of effort breaking out of the mental straightjackets it puts you in. There are better metaphors that allow you to easily move work about and discuss it properly with stake holders. So use them a little for small tasks, but for the big stuff – use bigger metaphors. I also think gantt charts cause similar cognitive blindness when you use them for anything other than checking if you are still on track.

* Aside: I was going to use the phrase command and control. The original meaning of this was simply that military operations have a designated officer who is responsible for seeing the mission through. How that officer does it is not defined. Some systems thinkers, for example John Seddon, use this term to mean enterprises where the people doing the work are not expected to show any initiative and be told what to do all the time so everything costs a fortune and is badly done by people who could do a much better job if left alone to do it properly. Military operations don’t work like this, people are trusted to do what their training tells them so they can achieve their objectives, see commander’s intent. Seddon’s meaning seems to have triumphed in systems thinking debates, however.