Author: francis

Https, localhost, and the Android Emulator

I’m writing an app using the Turbo Native library to wrap a website and run inside an app window for mobile. I’ve just had a day of fun trying to work out why I can use the remote staging service as the URL endpoint but not the localhost one.

To an old hand like me it seems obvious that there’s some kind of policy in place that bars the http connection to localhost. I did some digging and discovered the following steps.

Add the line


to the application tag in AndroidManifest.xml and then also add the file to the res/xml directory and put this in it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true">localhost</domain>

This did not work, I tried all sorts of combinations of things and it still didn’t work.

I then started researching how to get my docker dev environment to run with https. It’s not hard to do this, but a little tricky. I noticed at the end of one of the comments about using Android emulator specifically, the poster said you need to set up a reverse proxy from the emulator to your local machine.

alias adb=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb
adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:80

Note that the alias command is if you’re on a Mac. It’s unnecessary but it means I can find adb again if and when I need it from my shell command history. Google the adb reverse command if you want to know how to remove or create different proxies.

What this does is say port 3000 on the emulator gets proxied to port 80 on my local machine. I told the emulator to use port 3000 for the connection and all works now. If you were running Rails on port 3000 then you’d proxy 3000 to 3000. 80 to 80 won’t work, I think it’s reserved for something, which is probably the source of this trauma.

So, in summary, you need to enable http and you need to set up the reverse proxy. I don’t know enough about Android internals to know why you need the proxy but you do. If you’ve stumbled on the first part then you need to be aware of the second.

Note, also, that I didn’t just enable plain text everywhere like you can with a blanket allow plain text. Just for localhost. At least as far as my current knowledge of Android tells me, anyway.

Threads in Swift Programming

TIL when you see the error message

Publishing changes from background threads is not allowed; make sure to publish values from the main thread (via operators like receive(on:)) on model updates.

All you need to do is surround the code that’s causing the problem with

DispatchQueue.main.async {
  // code

It pushes the problematic operations back onto the main thread.

Been fighting with this since yesterday afternoon. 

Special thanks to Paul at

It’s one of those things that’s so obvious when you know. I just wish I’d found Paul’s simple explanation much earlier.

Small ‘a’ agile

It’s not the rituals, but the reason you do them that matters

Sailing ship in a storm
Image by Andy from Pixabay

Some history

The term agile as it’s used these days in software development came out of the publication of the Agile Manifesto in 2001. A group of experienced software developers came together and wrote some principles on a whiteboard. Most of these folks are now regarded as luminaries in the software business.

Why did they write the manifesto?

Before this most people worked on the assumption that software was an engineering discipline. If you think how most engineers work they have tightly controlled processes and books that say what the best approach is to building a bridge or a bend in the road. If you think about how complex projects like building ships are done then the emphasis was first to do all of the analysis (requirements), validate it somehow (check the designs), and then write the software (build the ship). The process of discovery was done in the analysis phase, then it was designed, and the software was almost supposed to write itself. Think create architect’s plans and then build the building, along with strict processes to make it happen. Even then it never goes smoothly.

The problem is that software is only 60 or so years old as a discipline, and has only been practiced by large numbers of people for maybe 45. We don’t have all of the knowledge that several hundred years of proper engineering gives us. Most of the time we’re still trying to work things out. We’re still inventing new programming languages and frameworks to find the best way to solve certain kinds of problem, there is no right way to do things in software. There is no best practice, just knowing what worked last time and building up experience to tackle common problems. As far as platforms go the internet itself isn’t actually that old, modern JavaScript frameworks are very new, in fact, and also constantly changing as people fix mistakes and bad thinking. We often discover better ways of doing things by writing the software itself. Sometimes faults in the specifications come up when we try to build things and we realise they’re full of contradictions.

Writing software isn’t the same as traditional engineering, despite people often being called engineers. It’s much more like a craft that you learn from experience, it may seem like something programmers do each on their own but getting good at it requires feedback. There are no recipes, if there were then programmers wouldn’t be needed. You could automate it. A recipe is an algorithm and can be automated if you have the right kind of tools. This is what the AI pushers claim can happen, but who then validates the code is correct and isn’t going to kill anyone, a different AI?

Additionally the engineering-style methods were often extremely bureaucratic as a function of the big companies that developed them. You often find that people criticise what is called the waterfall method that rigidly went from analysis to design to build to implementation, but in fact that characterisation is unfair to the person who first commented on it. He did put feedback loops in between the various stages, it’s just that the people who picked up the idea didn’t see them as being necessary, hence all of the bureaucracy around managing change. Highly controlled processes are necessary when you’re building military or medical software, there needs to be a high level of accountability and traceability if lives are at risk, but the other 99% of us can be a little more laissez faire.

All of the separation between the stages in the process that came from the bureaucratic approach also meant that the people who understood the problem from a business perspective were often very far away from the people who were trying to write the software to deal with it. This meant that we hit the big problem we always hit with software, or any complex endeavour:

All the problems you encounter are, at the base, communication problems.

  • A bug is a product of misunderstanding
  • Incorrect functionality is a misunderstanding
  • Going over budget is usually due to a lack of knowledge, assuming the budget was set correctly by people who knew what they were doing.

So the quest for agility, which is where we should be paying attention, is ultimately a quest to remove barriers to understanding and communication. With all of the things in that list, you should always be trying to identify how the problem arose and how to stop it happening next time. You don’t need to inspect quality after you’ve shipped it, you need to know it works for the people you wrote it for before it even leaves the gate.

The core of the agile manifesto

On the website it says

We have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

Some thoughts on the core

The first is actually quite against what passes for an agile approach these days. We have more tools and processes than we can shake a stick at. This is because they’re something that experts can sell to the rest of us. There are a few core concepts I like, and the rest is window dressing to make money for gurus.

The second working software point has been consistently misunderstood – it doesn’t mean no documentation, it means enough documentation to get you started, explain any gotchas, and the approach to any complex processing you’ve identified. I’ve become extremely tired of arriving on a project to find the only documentation is the code and the code was written by blind squirrels on acid who stopped doing tests because it’s faster. Save me from this lazy bullshit.

Customer collaboration is contained in the idea of having a business owner, but also someone to bounce ideas off. Far too often I’ve had to deal with the vague needs expressed in a Jira ticket that contains a couple of sentences and the person you need to clarify things with is too busy. Don’t let this happen to you. It also helps you work out what’s important to the people you’re writing the software for.

Responding to change means being willing to stop doing what you thought was important and instead work on what is important. It’s very hard to do if you’ve got embroiled in the sunk cost fallacy. It also means you need to regularly review what you’re doing and be really honest about what needs to happen. It’s also why you need to concentrate on being effective rather than efficient. Heading in the right direction is way more important than heading in any old direction as fast as you can because it feels good. Sometimes you have to slow down and do a lot of thinking to speed up.

The birth of methods and people selling consultancy

The drive to bring what’s needed in the software to the front and boost understanding of the needs of your customers is why we have the rituals we do in things like Scrum. The rituals alone are irrelevant. The understanding they generate, and the documentation that should be part of the process, are what’s important. Mechanically doing things because it’s in the calendar is not a recipe for success. Knowing why things are done and making sure everyone has the cognitive space to engage properly with them is more important than the rituals themselves.

The most complete version of an agile approach is Extreme Programming (XP). The best book I’ve ever read on XP is The Art of Agile Development. It contains all of the practices and explains the pros and cons of using them.

XP was seen as expensive and difficult to implement because it needs heavy commitment to get it working properly, plus a real understanding of how to do work with other people. It’s still the gold standard, in my opinion. It’s also very developer and development focussed so harder for non-technical management to understand.

Several other ways of trying to encapsulate this need to communicate often and well were thought up, but the one that eventually won out was Scrum. Scrum is relatively cheap to implement and only has a few core ideas:

  • Sprints
  • Daily standup
  • Sprint planning
  • Retrospectives
  • Demo
  • The business owner

There’s a few ancillary things like burn down charts, but that’s the core. XP came from the developers trying to make things work better and it has TDD and pairing as part of the approach, where they’re usually add ons for Scrum. XP’s roles are also much more flexible, which makes it harder to sell the recipe to a willing audience because there isn’t one.

The project management iron triangle turned into a square

Historically there were three parts to managing a project:

  • Cost
  • Time
  • Quality

It used to be said you can pay attention to any two of these but not all three. One of the things that is an accidental product of the adoption of agile ideas was that people realised there is another leg to this, scope. If you manage the scope well you can deliver on all three of the other legs, as long as you’re willing not to deliver everything all at once. It’s also why the methods use short iterations, it means that you can discover what scope matters without having to redo all of the mountain of analysis doing the entire thing upfront would require.

There’s also some other things to do with scope, for example doing the most risky things first, because if they can’t be done the rest of the project is impossible. Sometimes you need to do the least risky to help you get all of your testing and deployment infrastructure working. The point is all decisions about the approach should be deliberate and not because a book, or course, or coach, said so.

Capital A

In the early days people used to say they were doing Agile. A lot of us used to find this a bit worrying. It seemed that it was something you could turn on and off. It also fitted into the whole thing about doing the rituals and following the rules, without understanding why they were there.

Small a

Instead the push is about being agile. Making it the way you are, and having organisational behaviours that improve what you have. You may choose not to do certain things that are canon because of your circumstances. The book on XP mentioned above says that you should do all of the things it recommends for several months before dropping any of them or you will never understand their value properly. Despite my saying you shouldn’t take things just from a book I think it’s good advice.

I used to call myself a recovering agile practitioner and be very anti things like regular stand up meetings if they weren’t needed. Doing things deliberately is the way. Doing things because everyone else is doing them is not.

Steady cadence

One of the goals is to have a steady rhythm to the work, so it gets done but without lots of stress. Again, short iterations support this, you can see things being built. Not having to deliver something for six months is a recipe for disaster because humans are bad at thinking that far ahead and it’s very hard to track things over a long period.

Stress from poor planning engages the fight or flight mechanisms of the body. The energy is moved away from your brain so you can deal with trouble. You’re instantly stupider than you were. Taking time to think things through and not rushing and forgetting things ends up with a far better outcomes. The silly mantra you see in job specs, where it’s said be able to cope in a high stress, high pressure environment when that means you’re going to be acting stupid and going along with bad ideas because you’re exhausted is silly.

Estimation and expectations

There is a great tension in software development that often goes unacknowledged. You may remember the quote

There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

Traditional businesses invest and expect a return on that investment. A well functioning business in a stable market is like turning a handle. You put an amount of money in, turn the handle, and out comes more money than went in if the business is built correctly. Of course this can stop working if the environment the business works in changes dramatically. Just look at what Covid did to people-facing businesses.

Software development is inherently risky. You’re answering a question when you write it, and the answer may be much more complex than you thought it was. For example, a business may want to invest in getting to a new market. If you’re used to thinking in the first mode you may assume that building software is turning the handle and giving you the new market automatically. Nothing could be further from the truth. The process of developing the software uncovers how you might connect with customers in your new market. Most of the work is discovering how to create a turnable handle, and the software is actually a minor part of this. Unless you are replacing or copying something well understood it will take a lot of effort to make things work for the business. Then the people using the software need to know how to use it to make the handle turn, this is not trivial.

In the early days of NASA they realised that flying to the Moon was something that had never been done before, so you can’t estimate how long things will take. This is where the concept of milestones came from. You say at a high level when you’d like something to exist, and then you can see how far along you are compared to what you expected. When you’re working with unknown unknowns it’s always a guess, and great care is needed to manage expectations. I always add about 30% to every budget and it always gets used on things you didn’t anticipate when the project began. This seems to be a rule that I’ve never managed to break, unknown unknowns will always bite you so be ready. Also put the contingency on the whole project instead of padding each task you’ve identified because it will confuse everything and you won’t have any idea how much contingency is left.

You have a tension between the people who do the budgets and want things to happen by certain dates etc. and the reality of exploring the unknown and drawing a map, which may prove to be only a partial one, as you go along. Again this is why short iterations are needed so it’s easy to spot if things are going awry so we can negotiate with each other to see what can be achieved by flexing the scope or doing something else that’s more profitable.

Retrospectives – get ahead of the crowd

The word quality has been mentioned a few times here. One of the things people often drop in the rush to get things done is retrospectives. Without them, you are never going to improve except accidentally. If you want to create software with no bugs you need to look at your processes, and listen to the whole team. I was trained in a quality management system called zero defects in my first job after graduating in 1986. The concept is simple, instead of allowing things to be released that you know aren’t right make the time and effort to make sure they are. Then you need to hold retrospectives so that the learning that went into fixing it the first time stays learned. This is also related to double loop learning.

Conclusions – set yourself free

The main idea behind this article was to give an outline of the history of the agile movement and where it came from. As someone doing a difficult thing, such as writing software, you are not obliged to “do” any of the behaviours and prescriptions from the agile movement. Instead, think about how to get the best results for you. If you can’t get these ideas working in a small team, creating the steady cadence, and being consistent you will need to work out why. Adding new processes or documents or rules will not help. You need critical thinking and an understanding of why things are done to make it work. You also need to work with the whole team, there is no ivory tower way of imposing true agility from on high, or by manipulation of spreadsheets. It’s a communication and people problem, so you need to communicate with people.

So, the Vicissitudes of Interviews?

I’ve recently gone through the process of finding another job. It was quite frustrating. I thought I’d write a few comments on the various processes I went through for fun and profit.

1. The code test that was an exercise in catching people out

For the record, I’ve taught classes on how to do Test Driven Development. I’ve also been writing software professionally since I did my sandwich year in 1985, started actual coding in 1983 (in those days we didn’t have many PCs or the Internet so most people didn’t code until they got to University). I originally learned to do it in Ruby at the European Rails conference in 2008 from (if I recall) one of the people who first contributed to RSpec. I’ve also run classes and written how to in languages other than Ruby (Perl and PHP – which were both interesting). I think it’s fair to say I know what I’m doing.

So I get asked to develop something using TDD. I get comments back saying these are the worst tests the person has ever seen, and some other fairly snarky stuff. I can only conclude that they have never seen anything developed with the TDD like you mean it concept. This means you start with a test that makes sure the class just loads and all of the libraries are in place, then you work outwards from there.

I did have the flu when I did this and may have misunderstood the brief. I did the infamous one small change just before I took myself to my bed and the cut I sent to github didn’t load – I was almost seeing double at the time but it was a silly mistake.

The thing is – if I was interviewing me I would have found myself wanting to have a conversation, if the brief had been misunderstood I would want to know why because that’s an interesting conversation in itself. If I had seen an unfamiliar way of constructing the tests I would have again wanted to talk to the candidate because there may be something to learn there. The software I wrote did indeed use the API and show stuff on the screen as requested – for some reason that wasn’t right, and I don’t care enough to find out why.

For the uninitiated, a lint program is one that goes through the code and looks for common errors. It sometimes formats things as well, but not always. I used the standard gem to do linting and checking and it found nothing. I have a habit when I just hammer Ruby code into the editor of not putting in new lines except between method definitions, and even then I sometimes I don’t bother. So my Ruby code straight off the press, as it were, can sometimes look a bit dense. But you can press the return key a few times, right? You’re a grown up. I should have done this, and had a last tidy of the code but as I said I could hardly focus on the screen at the time and I just wanted to close it out.

That hurrying and not just asking for a couple more days was a mistake and I own it. I don’t own the other faults the reviewer found. I also reject entirely calling the tests poor – I used to teach this stuff, I might know more than you and have a different approach. Your ignorance is showing. You could try talking to me – I’ve been doing this stuff for nearly 40 years – have you read my CV?

After this long I can read code in a variety of languages that may not be formatted at all well and (to be honest) I don’t notice. I might run the reformat command in my editor of choice (because sometimes you see indentation move in a way that indicates code blocks are formatted but the actual syntax tells a different story).

The rude review I saw was moaning about the code not being linted – it was linted to death, buddy. You mean formatted and you don’t know the difference. If you want a new line between definitions and before blocks say so in your spec. Standard doesn’t care about that, neither does RubyMine’s formatter. Your inexperience is showing and you probably aren’t even aware of it. I mean, provide a rubocop config file and be done with it.

I definitely feel I dodged a bullet if I would have ended working with the individual who wrote that review. Maybe they were having a bad day too, but I gave up an entire weekend, feeling rough as a bear’s bum and worse and worse as time passed, and a little bit of courtesy wouldn’t have gone amiss – from their comments they spent about 5 minutes and never even attempted to understand my approach. We would probably have had a falling out eventually if they turned out as arrogant as they appear to be.

2. That Gem you wrote is all wrong

I’ve recently been playing with word games on my phone and wanted a little tool that I could give me a list of options. To that end I wrote the silly Ruby gem werds that lets you do this. It has a deliberate design choice where it loads the whole dictionary it uses into memory once so it can be interrogated over and over again from the console.

Obviously, this won’t work that well in a web context where the gem might be loaded once per request and use up lots of memory that then has to be released. But for my uses and prototyping it was fine. Future versions of the gem might even load things up into a Postgres database and use regular expressions as queries.

I put this gem on my CV, because why not? Problem is, according to someone who looked at the gem the gem was wrong. I had made a deliberate decision that I might change in future. I’m not an idiot. I’ve been doing this stuff for a very long time. But instead of having a conversation with me about that choice the gem was wrong. Err, no, it works the way it works for what I consider to be good reasons that may change later.

So they decided not to go on with the interview process after the first interview (which I really enjoyed, by the way). I started to have a conversation with the recruitment agent about this and see if I could rescue the process, but then decided I couldn’t be bothered. I don’t play games and the incident had soured things for me.

So, if I didn’t have anything on Github at all, or didn’t mention that gem it might have gone forward.

Why play some game of gotcha and demonstrate you don’t know how to talk to someone with my level of experience? What was the benefit, there? Another bullet dodged, I think.

3. The one that didn’t get away

After the initial HR has this guy only got one head and can he speak coherently interview I did a very interesting exercise with a couple of people where we talked through the potential faults and improvements we could make to some Rails controller code. It was fun and let me establish a human relationship with them.

The final stage was me doing a simple but hard enough task using TDD – we did it together and they watched and I talked through my process.

Can you see the difference here?

First, they talked to me and got to know how I think. Second, they watched my process and had me explain it to them while we worked together on something.

These people know what they’re doing and I’m really happy to be going forward with them.

If you treat interviews as some off in the distance zero sum game you will probably not be able to find candidates who either have a depth of experience you’re not used to, an approach you’ve never thought of, or any one of a number of things that could help you with being more diverse or deeper in terms of experience. It’s not school, it’s not some sport, it’s work. You will end up with candidates who look and think like you do, because that’s what your rules will pull in.

Put away the childish things and talk to people. It may appear to take longer, but when there are very few people with the skills you need you don’t want to turn down a candidate because you haven’t got a clue why they approached a problem in a way you either don’t understand, or perhaps don’t agree with. I’ve been doing this stuff for some small while now, and I never do anything without a reason I can back up.

My approach to these exercises is always code is a conversation. If you end up not wanting to talk to me I’m more than happy not to – the chances are we won’t work work together well.

I will own that if you’re not feeling well, ask for more time and try later. That one was on me.

Organisational muddiness

Big ball of mud

Way back in the dark mists of the early 2000s design patterns were a new-ish idea. People went crazy for them, no project planning meeting was completed without several links to various design pattern architectures and blah blah. Eventually people realised that the best way to write software was to write software, in an unconscious appeal to the original principles in the Agile Manifesto.

The tools we used that created bazillions of class diagrams that were then translated into incomprehensible Java were quietly put to one side by most people.

Some patterns persist and are useful, things like Factory, and sometimes refactoring to a known pattern can actively simplify how things work. There are also architectural patterns, Martin Fowler wrote an excellent book explaining them and DHH used a lot of them when designing Rails. I think this is why Rails worked so well, it was opinionated software and the opinions were the result of a lot of careful thought and deep experience.

The big ball of mud pattern is what you get when you don’t take steps to design your architecture and instead end up with something that works but is internally incoherent. You see this a lot with successful start up companies. They ran really fast, didn’t try to follow the long-term survival practices such as behaviour driven development. If they are successful, after about 18 months everything comes to an abrupt halt because it’s extremely hard to maintain and full of decisions which hindsight indicates are now poor and inflexible.

I contend that there is also an organisational equivalent, you end up with the structure that’s obvious when confronted with the next problem, and suddenly we have dev teams that work on the same thing but different, and devops because everyone else has one, and the sales teams are using squads because it’s hip and everyone’s in too much of a hurry to read Deming or Goldratt and properly think about what works, for them, now.

Conway’s law

This was originally meant as a joke but it’s been seen in the wild so many times that it isn’t one any longer. Put simply, the architecture of the software you build and the way your organisation is structured will mirror each other. in essence, if you have a pragmatic ball of mud with muddy communications then so will the software you produce.

Whirlpool of mud

So you end up with a self-reinforcing pragmatic organisation that will continue to create muddy solutions with muddy architectures for muddy conceptions of what your customers want. You need to be as deliberate about your organisation’s structure as you are about the software you need to run it.

Successful systems

A system that works is built from multiple smaller systems that also work. This sounds obvious but people often ignore broken or poorly performing sub systems and throw things together.

Poor process produces poor outcomes

It’s there in the section title, mud breeds mud, haste breeds waste, rushing breeds redoing, inconsistency breeds incoherence.


Not addressing the mud means you are just wishing that it will go away. This doesn’t generally work that well, but you often find it if you’re working with people who have read too many self-help books that tell you how to build more confidence by affirmations confusing their desires with what causality makes possible.

Sales driven organisations can suffer really badly from this.

Solutions – a starter

Constancy of purpose

When I used to run the Lean Teams consultancy the very first thing I used to do when I ran a workshop for my clients was a session about constancy of purpose. In a nutshell, can you write down what your organisation does in a sentence or two? When you make decisions do they align with it or not? If not, don’t!

The other thing this helps to do is identify people’s needs. Customers and organisation.

Note it all down

  • Identify teams
  • Define responsibilities
  • Define info flows and transformations
  • Use the documentation to create consensus

Be mindful of Conway’s law, is the shape of the organisation correct for what you’re trying to do? Also, noting down means using pictures, long screeds of text are hard to write accurately and follow precisely. Interaction diagrams with notes where it works are by far the best way of doing this.

Double Looped learning

  • Single looped learning is being able to turn a handle and get a result.
  • Double looped is knowing what the objective is behind the turning of the handle and maybe changing it.

You need to get to single loop first. You will have a rough idea of what needs to be done and need to work out how to do it. Again, use pictures. Only attending to the single loop can make you very myopic and changes outside the loop can remove the need for it, causing you to waste your time.

Have a look here.

Good processes

Good processes have these qualities

  • Repeatability
  • Lightweight
  • Well defined interfaces with other processes
  • Learning
  • Less than ten steps

Lightweight means that a decent level of automation is also required – being able to repeat something that involves twenty manual steps which could be forgotten is not scaleable or useful.

Putting it together

After writing it all down draw your processes end to end.

  • Do they match the constancy of purpose?
  • Can they be done within one team?
  • Do they pass through many teams?
  • Have you documented any data transformations needed when passing between teams or roles?

Once you have this you need to start building the second loop. Constancy of purpose should be giving you an idea of the value each process and step adds, lots of data transforms means you’re involving lots of different teams or functional areas – is that a good idea?

The next thing you need to do is work on a consensus about how things are done.

Then it’s time to start thinking about the second loop. If you do some googling you will find that there are even more.

The end goal is not functionality

Many years ago I read an academic paper that talked about why the Apple Lisa (you won’t remember it) failed. The paper put it down to the three Fs: functionality, functionality and functionality. This is quite a witty point, and indeed the amount of new startup websites one sees that don’t actually say what the app is supposed to do because they’re trying to persuade their confused potential customers to tell them what they want is a testament to the idea.

There is a problem with this view, though. People who use your stuff don’t want functionality, they want capability. They have a problem they want to solve and you’re offering them a way to either get rid of it or manage it down to tolerability. The Lisa didn’t allow people to do things they needed to do. The Mac, later, was originally the only platform that did desktop publishing well and reasonably affordably (compared with the price of a conventional printing studio).

So, when you’re doing your interviews and looking for user pain you can meet you need to understand that pain isn’t functionality, it’s capability. So even making a hard thing a little easier to do is worthwhile. This changes your perspective on what you can and should deliver.

As with a lot of engineering type problems, take a step back, think about what the wider picture is. It’s always a valuable exercise.

Mistakes are a good thing

If you make a bad mistake you’ve proved two things to the people you’re working with:

  1. You aren’t sitting around doing nothing
  2. You can learn

Many years ago I read a story about a man who had cost the company he worked for several million dollars. He managed to do some other things that mitigated the loss, but there was still a loss of a couple of hundred thousand bucks.

He glumly told his boss what had happened and how he had managed to claw back a good chunk of the cash.

He was very surprised when he wasn’t fired.

Why didn’t you fire me?

Why would I? I just spent 200k training you how to manage risk!

There we have it. If you can take a breath, look at what caused the mistake, and why, and how to reduce the chance of it happening again, you’ve come out ahead.

Don’t let the fear of mistakes paralyse you. If you’re junior you won’t have been put in a place where you can do any serious damage if you’re working for people with any sense. If you’re senior, well, there’s always something new you need to learn.

The newbie super power

If you’re new or junior in your job you can sometimes find yourself paralysed by how little you know. This can come from two different places:

  • Context. There are so many choices you don’t know where to start.
  • Fear. Your ignorance means you don’t know what to do to even try to start.

You can fix both of these by using your newbie super power:

Ask questions.

We’ve been taught in school that you’re not supposed to cheat, you’re just supposed to know things and teacher will be angry if you don’t. You were taught that cribbing from other people is bad.

But real life, in a real job, is not an exam. Everyone, selfishly, needs you to become productive and be able to make a contribution. The only way that can happen is if you ask what they need you to do. If you don’t understand, ask again. I would try something first, just so you have something to talk about and learn from, but asking is a super power.

Watch the people who are senior. They listen, and they ask. This is a superpower you need to master.

Rspec failing with no such method validate_uniqueness_of

This was fun, in a not really that much fun kind of way

I am getting an old project ready to move to a different Heroku stack, which has involved a lot of running bundle and scratching my head

So I fire up the tests … and some fail with

  undefined method `validate_uniqueness_of' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::Blah::Validation::.....>

So, let the debugging begin

  1. Is it a problem with Shoulda? Try everything, and discover that shoulda is looking for that actual method. Also discovered that there are some useful methods on models that shoulda calls by default, but none of them have the word unique in them.
  2. Have another project that works, go into the debugger and discover that it calls the matcher and doesn’t just look for a method.
  3. Stroke chin, and then add type: :model, onto the spec declaration because other project needed it and worth a try. Problem goes away.
  4. Go diving into yet another project that has spec helper that works without type: model, newer versions of Rspec have a cheeky config attribute

I add this to my helper and all the tests pass

So, I thought I would put something here that the next mug might find if the same thing happens to them and they won’t lose a morning to it.

This has been a community service announcement, have fun.

Today I rediscovered the Ruby double splat operator

Old Ruby hands will know that you can use the splat operator * to turn an array into a list of arguments:

def fred(x, y, z)
  puts x
  puts y
  puts z

argy_bargy = [1, 2, 42]


=> 1
=> 2
=> 42

There are also another trick you can do with this:

a = 1

puts [*a]

=> [1]

a = [1]

puts [*a]

=> [1]

Where the dereferencing lets you ensure you are always using an array. This is thought to be a bit old fashioned now and Rubyists now use the Array() method that does the same thing but with less syntactic magic. Back in the days before Ruby 2 (or so) it was the only way to do it.

I’m a great believer in trying to avoid the cardinal sin of Primitive Obsession – in Ruby this usually manifests itself as storing hashes everywhere and ending up with lots of code full of several levels of square brackets that manipulates them that ends up being parked in the wrong place. Ironically Rails is full of this and you often find yourself peering through documentation looking for the options hash to see what you can ask an object to do.

So in an ideal world you might want to be able to create object on the fly from hashes (say ones stored as JSONB in a Postgres database for instance 😉) that have some intelligence in them beyond the simple, somewhat cumbersome, data carrier that Hash offers. So you could try something like this:

Thing =, :y)

harsh = { x: 1, y: 2 }

wild_thing =*harsh.values)

The only problem here is you lose the useful semantics of the Hash, if it is initialised in a different order, or from a merge, then you’re screwed. The hash keys and the Struct’s keys having the same names is a mere semantic accident. This isn’t what you want. Instead let’s use the double splat:

class Thing 
  attr_reader :x, :y
  def initialize(x:, y:)
    @x, @y = x, y

harsh = { x: 1, y: 2 }

wild_thing =**harsh)

You now have a way to create an object you can start adding methods to from your hash source that is isolated from argument order changes. There is one last wrinkle, which is that JSONB keys are strings, so you need:

hash_from_json = { "x" => 1, "y" => 2 }

wild_thing =**hash_from_json.symbolize_keys)

Now you’re almost ready to be able to take chunks of structured JSON and quickly and reliably turn it into usable objects with things like the <=> operator in them


That’s a Hash and nothing more. You can even add methods that implement [] and []= to keep Hash-like capabilities with a bit of meta programming, perhaps for backward compatibility, if you really have to.

I have arrays of these, that map to diary entries in an app I’m working on. I’m also very very lazy when I expect the computer to do the work, I want to solve problems once and they stay solved with as little fiddly RSI creating pressing shift to get brackets and things as possible. So:

class DiaryEntry
 attr_reader :name, :start_time, :finish_time

 def initialize(name:, start_time:, finish_time:)
   @name, @start_time, @finish_time = name, start_time, finish_time

def apply_schedule(schedule, offset:)
  make_entry = -> (entry_hash) {**entry_hash.symbolize_keys) 
  all_entries =
  # ...

Code has been split across multiple lines to ease understanding. I now have a nice array of proper objects that I can filter and add to the map using methods instead of clumsy brackets everywhere. We can sort them and so on if we wish too.

This last example also shows one of my favourite techniques, which is to remap arrays of things using simple lambda functions, or use them with methods like filter inherited from Enumerable, a named lambda isn’t always necessary but it follows the useful pattern intention revealing name that can make you code much clearer. Using lambdas like this means then can also be passed as arguments to methods for filtering or formatting, that can be very functional-style without having to go all object-oriented.

For extra marks, dear reader, there’s a post on stack overflow that uses a technique like this to create structs from hashes on the fly. See if you can find it and come up with some uses for it, I’m sure there are many.