Mildly incoherent, but here they are:

Culture of Testing

Jon Yurek, Thoughtbot, @jyurek

Testing & version control not taught in school, no reason not to. Java testing getters and setters – insane. Culture of Ruby is to test/TDD.

  • Coming of age blog
  • Then framework

Contrib factory_girl/shoulda. Out the box very limited. Then we found cucumber. Didn’t like at first, but then having a story. 2009 Rumble – pure cuke. Can’t test with just cuke. Fakes – sham-rack. Tiny apps that can run basic API hits. Outside-in the way forward.

Don’t write integration tests like unit tests – cuke stories are not supposed to be code.

Steps not just long-winded method calls.

Don’t have time to test – it will make us faster. Technical debt – won’t be able to refactor or add new features. But if you really need to, go ahead. Once done, and calmed down rewrite it the right way headaches down the line.

Working with the unknown – write stuff to find out what the approach is. Understand problem and then throw it away. Experiments, toss them out. Weren’t writing your best code in the first place.

Code is communication, tests even more so.

Tests are also tests – tests are first client for app. No-one will know how to change, cargo culting. Tests will tell you what the coder was thinking.

Look at tests first.

RSpec & Shoulda have very few watchers on github.

Everybody’s testing, just not very efficiently.

Use the scientific method hypothesis/test/control/results Profit!

Hypotheses – Greatest challeng to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution Bertrand Russel

Test explicitly exposes solvable problem and confirmation. Harder than writing a solution. More time,

All testing in some sense – switching over to TDD – make code better.

Black-box testing. Outside in, refactoring should make no difference.

We owe it to ourselves and our profession to prompte automated testing. Having this culture.

Crazy ideas would like to see –

  • Javascript in Ruby (exists, but crazy).
  • Automated tests for HTML/CSS
  • CPAN tester network for gems

Good testing ==== public shame

Won’t run gems without tests.

Tests are professional – respectful enough of their code to document in code.

All work in topic branch – git pull requests. Code coverage done through review.

Git the stupid NOSQL database

Rick Olson

Github use it more like a database.

git hash-object


Send some JSON into a file and get it out again – crazy.

Git also a graph database – Nodes to nodes

Tree – subdirectory of blobs

git update-index
git write-tree


refs (not an object, a tag/pointer)


2 types – lightweight, branch pointer to sha, annotated tags object that points to a commit w custom tag message who/when

gem install grit
gem install gollum

Local wiki clone of the one in git

Hmmmm – git grep

Latest files updated atom feed

diff-tree —name-only master~10 master

Need to know how many commits or will errir

Gollum suited for small to medium projects.

Smoke is grit on the cloud – proxies out to Erlang services.

Rails Admin, The right way of doing data administration

Bogdan Gaza, @hurrycane

Rails Admin Ruby Summer of code 2010

Way you organise & control your data

Admin panels – PITA

Simple, secure & fast – custom error prone not fast or simple.

CMS? Simple but not always flexible. Rails Plugin/engine, usually secure fast & simple


  • lipsiaAdmin (R2) ExJS
  • Active Scaffold (R2)
  • Hobo (R3) includes a lot of non-admin stuff

RailsAdmin sferik/rails_admin

Port Merb-Admin to R3. Merb slice/R3 engine, structure pretty much the same.

Engines similar to plugins, but work like Merb slice.

Namespaced controller/model/routes. Mountable app outside Rails structure

gem ‘devise’
gem ‘rails_admin’, :git => ‘git://,in.git’

bundle update

rails g rails_admin:install_admin

Not using devise? Override or use another warden-based solution.

authenticate … and current_user

3.1 it will be mountable.

Automatically adds history and search

Will be the admin panel of choice in future.