Assume we’ve got a namespace of Customer and in that a controller for Organisations.

This doesn’t work

class Customer::OrganisationsController < ApplicationController

  respond_to :html 

  def update
    @organisation = Organisation.find(params[:id])
    respond_with [:customer,@organisation]


It redirects to the customer_organisation show method without checking for errors. I think it should work, but the respond_with code doesn’t handle it properly. Instead, try this:

class Customer::OrganisationsController < ApplicationController

  respond_to :html 

  def update
    @organisation = Organisation.find(params[:id])
    respond_with @organisation, :location => customer_organisation_url(@organisation)


I’m not sure it’s annoying enough to want to patch it. There are a lot of edge cases in Rails in general around name spaces. Also, note it’s not just update that needs this but also create.

Imported Comments:


respond_with :customer, @organisation should work, without the square brackets