No diary entry for a while. What have I been up to?
47 at the beginning of October. Jings. Looking 50 down the barrel.
Still looking for another job.
Think I may have found one but it involves a pay cut, at least in the short term. Given that my current pay review is 8 months late as it is and inflation has’t gone away not sure how much of an issue this is, these guys do at least pay their bonuses (as in there is a bonus to be had). Could mean serious tightening of belts though. Already 20% down on what Oracle used to pay me.
Sent my book off to a publisher
This was much harder than you’d think. However I got the author bio, synopsis etc. together and sent it off about 4 weeks ago. Will give it until after christmas and then send off to another.
Still running my own internet based business
This is making steady progress. Main problem is one of consistency: I keep doing some activity but not often enough. We had a huge conference in Belfast, which was brilliant and very uplifting, but now I’m short of energy again
Still fighting with health problems
Man, have I been down recently. Partly because of a sudden death and partly because I feel stuck on someone else’s wheel. This past week I’ve been floored by some viral thing that’s attacked the glands in my head. Very tired and listless and quite painful. Hey ho, keep taking the supplements and the antibiotics and it will pass like it always does.
Music software
I’ve been experimenting with Cubase and Studio to Go. I think I prefer studio to go (definitely for software synths and midi – it even understands VST DLL’s as well) but it’s audio recording screeches nastily whereas Cubase just takes the input from my USB audio capture thingy and works. Hmm.
The kids
Jon started senior school in September. He’s hockey captain and also has been praised by the school for modern languages (French to you and me). Wants a trials bike (which is a push bike these days). Deb is doing really well, winning all sorts of awards and going on visits and so on because she’s in the top set. Still crazy about guide, gonna go up to Senior Section in Jan when she’s 14.
We’re counting down to Xmas. I had a lot of leave left and said that I would take Thursdays and Fridays off in December, but this week was a dead loss because I was ill.