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Decided to use struts to do my project because it works and I like the architecture.
I’ve spent the last week or so getting my head round how it works, how to use Ant (like it), and how to get Netbeans to work with it.
Not that hard, any of it, but I’m basically using Netbeans as a glorified editor and not using any of the advanced features (like the in-line J2EE container, for example).
Netbeans 4 beta is a little flakey when you try and create new Java classes and doesn’t seem to want to save them. If you press save all it will, though.
If you want to get started with struts try:
Struts Kick Start
ByJames Turner, Kevin Bedell
Also has the best potted explanation of how HTTP, JSP. JSTL tags etc. I’ve seen. Wish I’d read this a couple of years ago.
I’ve got a lot from
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition
ByPeter Morville, Louis Rosenfeld
Ignore the first 3 chapters unless you are a total newbie. Useful content there.