WARNING: Rails techie stuff
if you keep seeing this
NoMethodError (undefined method `[]’ for :update:Symbol):
/vendor/plugins/princely/lib/pdf_helper.rb:11:in `render’
when your controller is doing this:
render :update do
It’s because of a bug in the Princely plugin when it wraps the standard render method. I have emailed the maintainer (the bug tracker is broken and I did mention it in the email too) but he never bothered to reply. For the record you need to tinker with your plugin code:
Go to the offending line (11) in the plugin code (as per the error message) and change it to
if options.nil? or ( not options.is_a? Hash ) or options[:pdf].nil?
This stops it assuming that the options is necessarily a Hash and getting upset. Probably a more elegant solution out there in Ruby land but it works for me.