Month: November 2008

BNP membership, free speech and all that jazz

Comment left here.

After WW II there was a specific ban on people joining or organising fascist groups, for obvious reasons. AFAIK this ban has’t been appealed for public servants and it is a serious issue for them, I think you sign a piece of paper saying that you will not join such an organisation when you take up employment – you certainly used to in the olden days.

A lot of the anti-nazi types used to try and use this law to stop NF/BNP/et al from organising or speaking in public, but of course the slightly calmer view was that these idiots should be allowed to speak because it becomes very obvious that their opinions are valueless when they open their mouths.

I’d rather have an open debate with these folk than allow them the veneer of respectability a ban gives them. There’s an old quote “I disagree with what you say, but I would die in order protect your right to say it” (wording may not be right). I agree with this view, personally, and it is the exact opposite of what many NuLabur and BNP people believe – in fact, don’t forget, Oswald Mosely (pre-war British fascist leader) came out of the Labour party.

I honestly did’t know Wacky Jaqui was in any political party of note – she certainly acts like no-one else in the universe exists and would doubtless be very keen to ban any speech she does’t like. Be careful what you wish for, it might come true. There’s a sad example of a big campaign against porn somewhere in the antipodes in the 80’s where the first thing the cops did when the law was introduced was raid the left-wing book shops and confiscate all of the literature aimed at lesbian and gay people – be VERY careful what you wish for, they might take it down as evidence and use it against you.

Rails RJS render throwing mysterious render error in Princely plugin

WARNING: Rails techie stuff

if you keep seeing this

 NoMethodError (undefined method `[]’ for :update:Symbol):
    /vendor/plugins/princely/lib/pdf_helper.rb:11:in `render’

when your controller is doing this:

render :update do


It’s because of a bug in the Princely plugin when it wraps the standard render method. I have emailed the maintainer (the bug tracker is broken and I did mention it in the email too) but he never bothered to reply. For the record you need to tinker with your plugin code:

Go to the offending line (11) in the plugin code (as per the error message) and change it to

     if options.nil? or ( not options.is_a? Hash ) or options[:pdf].nil?

This stops it assuming that the options is necessarily a Hash and getting upset. Probably a more elegant solution out there in Ruby land but it works for me.


I’ve been ridiculously busy and ill for most of the last month.

Had a week off work with a migraine-giving virus that still has its claws in me.

Lots of things going on and ideas bubbling.

Currently looking at an essay on Buddhism and Depression from the inside, I was making comments on a site and had my comments pulled two or three times so decided I was’t going to bother trying to help people there any more. I will create a platform where I can share my own experiences and hopefully help others without being censored.

I also think that someone who has taken the prescription drugs may have things to say that others can’t see from the outside.

Other stuff in the pot is a site to learn the Tibetan alphabet and another essay on Buddhism and Science (half wrote the introduction a while ago).

I’m trying to clear the decks and finish the beta Pharmarketeer site – it’s not far off, I just need to rekindle my enthusiasm long enough.

Got myself a Jesus Phone (iPhone to those who have’t read the sarky articles). I quite like it but the mail client is awful and wo’t display conversation threads like gmail does, so you keep reading the same mail over and over again – very annoying if you  are a member of a discussion group. It also wo’t go to wide mode when you turn the device. I got round this by loading the free Google application and using Safari to save the gmail bookmark it creates onto the desktop. Now I read my mail using that bookmark, Google have kindly set it up to work well on an iPhone and it will go wide.

Other things I have discovered is the free Stanza app, that lets you read e-books and will download them from various free sites. Almost all the way through the whole Oz series (as in the Wizard of Oz etc.). There are about 12 of them. 

Trying to learn Tibetan again, 3rd time lucky, maybe. Went to a class at Kagyu Ling last Saturday. It’s fun and mentally stretching without being work. So I think I will stick with it now. Interestingly they’ve kept the spellings from when the writing system was invented, so a lot of words are spelt with, say, g’s but pronounced with d’s. Plus the usual slurring and removal of s’s over time as happens with all spoken languages. Quite a few letters sound the same to a European ear – interesting and useful for my Dharma studies. This is like English-speaking people keeping spellings from Chaucer.

It was also my 49th Birthday last month – not sure how I feel about that, to be honest.

I’ve also been listening to a lot of podcasts – really recommend those by the Venerable Robina Courtin – several hours of explanation of some basic Buddhist ideas in her own inimitable style. She is’t in the same Tibetan school as me, but really knows her stuff. Have a hunt on iTunes for them.

Better get back to living a life!

Blessings to all.